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Mastery Studies-0

The full Mastery Studies tree.

Mastery Studies are similar to Time Studies, but for every Mastery Studies you buy, all of the other Mastery Studies prices get multiplied. To unlock Mastery Studies, you need to buy the "Unlock Meta Dimensions" for 1e24 Time Theorems and have 1e100 dilated time.

List of Mastery Studies

Study Number Base Cost (in Time Theorems) Description Details Multiplier on Prices
241 1e71 You gain 2.2x (from 2x) more IP by buying IP mult. 1.00x
251 2e71 Remote cost scaling starts 1 galaxy later per 3,000 dimension boosts. 2.50x
252 2e71 Remote cost scaling starts 1 galaxy later per 7 free galaxies. 2.50x
253 2e71 Remote cost scaling starts 20 galaxies later per 9 extra replicated galaxies. 2.50x
261 5e71 Dimensional boost costs scale by another 1 less. 6x
262 5e71 Dimensional boosts affect Meta Dimensions at a reduced rate. 6x
263 5e71 Meta-dimension boosts affect dilated time production. 6x
264 5e71 You gain more tachyon particles based on your galaxies. 6x
265 5e71 You can buy replicate chance intervals over 100%. 6x
266 5e71 Post-400 max replicated galaxy cost scaling reduced. 6x
271 2.74e76 You can buy beyond 1ms interval upgrades but the cost starts to increase faster. Studies from this row on can only be seen if you quantumed at least once.
272 2.74e76 Pick all paths on all 3-way splits in time studies.
273 2.74e76 Replicate chance is massively increased.
281 6.86e76 Replicanti multiplier boosts DT production at a greatly reduced rate.
282 6.86e76 Replicanti multiplier boosts Meta Dimensions at a greatly reduced rate.
291 2.14e77 You gain 1% of your EP gained on eternity each second.
292 2.14e77 You can gain tachyon particles without disabling dilation.
301 4.29e77 Remote cost scaling starts 1 galaxy later per 4.45 extra replicated galaxies.
302 2.68e78 Pick all time studies before mastery studies.
303 4.29e77 Meta Dimensions are stronger based on your galaxies.
311 4.29e77 Replicanti multiplier to Infinity Dimensions is 16.5x stronger.
312 4.29e77 Meta-dimension boosts are 2% stronger and costs scale by 1 less.
321 4.29e77 If not dilated, replicanti greatly boosts Normal Dimensions as 1200x strong.
322 4.29e77 Tickspeed boosts DT production at a greatly reduced rate.
331 3.41e81 Dimension Supersonic scaling start 160,000 later and increases cost slower by three less.
332 9.04e76 You gain replicanti faster based on your normal galaxies.
341 1.93e81 Replicants gather quarks faster based on galaxies.
342 2.89e81 Strengthen all types of replicated galaxies based on your gathered quarks.
343 7.54e78 Strengthen free galaxies up to replicated galaxy strength based on your dilated time.
344 5.02e78 Galaxies are more efective based on your replicants.
351 1.21e80 Time shards boosts all meta dimensions.