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Add 0.25x to electron gain multiplier and multiplier per ten dimensions is boosted by dimension boosts.

Quantum challenges are a type of challenge where the goal is to reach a certain amount of antimatter and then do a quantum reset. To start one, you must have a certain amount of electrons. Electrons do not work in quantum challenges. There are 8 quantum challenges in the game.

List of Quantum Challenges

Challenge # Electron Cost Description Reward
1 1.69e4 Dimensions 3-8 don't produce anything. Add 0.25x to electron gain multiplier and First & Second Dimensions boosts dilated time production.
2 1.91e4 Galaxies do nothing. Add 0.25x to electron gain multiplier and get 40% more free galaxies.
3 2.15e4 Infinity Dimensions can be only boosted by meta-antimatter. Meta-antimatter never boosts dimension boosts. Add 0.25x to electron gain multiplier and Infinity power boosts meta dimensions at greatly reduced rate.
4 2.42e4 Like Automatic Crunches challenge, but also applied to all dimensions. Meta-dimension boosts cost increases slower and buffs are removed. Add 0.25x to electron gain multiplier and multiplier per ten dimensions is boosted by dimension boosts. Add 0.25x to electron gain multiplier and all even Meta Dimensions boosts all odd Meta Dimensions.
5 Dimension Supersonic scaling starts instantly and grows much faster. Replicated galaxy cost and free galaxy threshold also grow much faster. Multiplier per ten dimensions is disabled.

Paired Challenges

Paired challenges are... [insert stuff]
