NG+++ Wiki
GuideNG+3R GuideChangelogModsTerminology
Post-Eternity AchievementsEternity MilestonesEternity ChallengesTime DilationMeta DimensionsMastery Studies
Quantum QuantumElectronsQuantum ChallengesReplicantsEmperor DimensionsNanofieldTree of DecayBig RipBreak Eternity
Ghostify GhostifyNeutrinosAutomator GhostsGhostly PhotonsBosonic Lab
Upcoming Higgs FieldBadgesRediscoveryExtra Challenges

This article contains no information from the future update, New Game Plus 3 Respecced. You can help it by editing.


Beyond the original game's 13 rows of achievements, there are, as of the NG+3.1 update, 10 more rows of achievements in NG+++. One vanilla achievement reward that has been changed is "I never liked this infinity stuff anyway", which gets another reward of "Your infinitied stat gain is multiplied by dilated time^(1/4)."

(Image on the right is outdated)

Position ID Name Requirement Rewards Details
r141 ngpp1 I'm so meta Unlock meta dimensions. None
r142 ngpp2 And still no ninth dimension... Get the eighth meta-dimension. All meta-dimensions are 10% stronger, and you start with 100 meta-antimatter on reset.
r143 ngpp3 In the grim darkness of the far endgame Reach 1.00e40000 EP. You get 2x more DT.
r144 ngpp4 Meta-boosting to the max Get 10 meta-dimension boosts. Meta-dimension boosts are 1% stronger.
r145 ngpp5 The cap is a million, not a trillion Get 1.00e12 eternities. Eternity Upgrade 2 uses a better formula. xlog10(x)^3.75
r146 ngpp6 It will never be enough Reach 1e100000 replicanti. You unlock the option to buy the maximum Replicanti Galaxies available.
r147 ngpp7 GAS GAS GAS Get 1,000,000 tickspeed upgrades from time dimensions. Unlock autobuyers for Time Dimensions and 5x EP upgrades.
r148 ngpp8 Universal harmony Have at least 700 normal, replicanti, and free dilated galaxies. Galaxies are 0.1% stronger.
r151 ng3p11 I don't have enough fuel! Reach 1.80e308 meta-antimatter. You produce more dilated time based on your normal galaxies, and gain more Tachyon particles based on your replicated galaxies.
r152 ng3p12 Sub-atomic Go quantum. You gain 20x more eternities up to 100,000 eternities, start with eternities based on your fastest quantum (up to 10,000), and unlock the 'Don't respec studies and auto-reunlock ECs' option in the Eternity Challenges menu.
r153 ng3p13 Hadronization Have colored quarks, but have no color charge. Quantum worth boosts all Meta Dimensions.
r154 ng3p14 Work harder. Unlock time dilation without buying Eternity Upgrades. None
r155 ng3p15 No more tax fraud! Have 900 galaxies without unlocking dilation. You permanently keep your banked infinities, and bank 5% of your eternities on quantum.
r156 ng3p16 And the winner is... Quantum in under 30 seconds. Your EP multiplies Quark gain.
r157 ng3p17 Old age Reach 1e191,424,470,832 antimatter.(10^(3*86400*365.2425*whichever year it is currently(2022))) Get a multiplier to the 1st Meta Dimension based on total antimatter. Writing this number will take you the number of years whichever year it currently is now(if you write 3 digits per second).
r158 ng3p18 I already got rid of you... Reach 1e400,000 IP while dilated, without having time studies and electrons. Generate Time Theorems based on your best-ever Tachyon particles. 2% of normal production.
r161 ng3p21 Special Relativity Quantum in under 5 seconds. Start with all Infinity Dimensions unlocked if you have at least 25 eternities.
r162 ng3p22 We are not going squared. Reach 1e1500 MA with exactly 8 Meta-Dimension Boosts. Get a multiplier to the 8th Meta Dimension based on your 1st Meta Dimension.
r163 ng3p23 この実績は存在しない3 (This achievement doesn't exist 3) Reach 9e99,999,999 EP. Gain more EP based on amount of IP you had when eternitying. Exponent is divided by 307.8 instead of 308.
r164 ng3p24 Old memories come true Reach 1e1700 MA without ever buying 5th-8th Normal Dimensions or having more than 4 Dimension Boosts in this quantum. The 4 RG upgrade is stronger based on your Meta-Dimension Boosts.
r165 ng3p25 Twice in the row Complete Paired Challenge 4. Unlock "# of dilated" mode of quantum autobuyer.
r166 ng3p26 Infinity Morals Quantum without any Meta-Dimension Boosts. Meta-Dimension Boosts boost itself at a reduced rate.
r167 ng3p27 Intergalactic Reach 4,000,000 Eighth Dimensions without any replicated or free galaxies. Eighth Dimensions are stronger based on your normal galaxies. 10(x, min(sqrt(log10(max(x, 1))) * 2, 2.5))
r168 ng3p28 Seriously, I already got rid of you. Reach 1e354,000 IP without having time studies, while dilated and running QC2. The Eternity Points boost to Quark gain is 1% stronger.
r171 ng3p31 ERROR 500: INTERNAL DIMENSION ERROR Reach 1e333 MA without having 2nd Meta Dimensions and Meta-Dimension Boosts. 1st Meta Dimensions are stronger based on meta antimatter.
r172 ng3p32 The truth of anti-challenged Reach 1e78.800 T antimatter without having completed any paired challenges. None
r173 ng3p33 Never make paradoxes! Quantum without any dilation upgrades. The sum of your best Quantum Challenge times boosts Quark gain.
r174 ng3p34 The Challenging Day Complete 24 unique paired challenge combinations. Matter can bypass antimatter in QC6. This is a requirement to unlock Big Rips.
r175 ng3p35 An ant office? Promote a worker into the second Emperor Dimension. Replicants feed babies 10x faster.
r176 ng3p36 I can't get my multipliers higher! Reach 1e620,000,000,000 antimatter in Eternity Challenge 11. None
r177 ng3p37 No dilation means no production. Reach 1e2,000,000 replicanti without having Tachyon particles. Start quantums with the same amount of Tachyon particles as the square root of your best TP.
r178 ng3p38 I don't want you to live anymore. Reach 5.19e308,254 IP (2^1,024,000) while dilated, in QC2, and without having studies or First Dimensions during your current Eternity. None
r181 ng3p41 Time is not relative Get 1.00e411 dilated time without gaining tachyon particles. You gain more DT based on the amount of Nanofield rewards.
r182 ng3p42 ERROR 404: DIMENSIONS NOT FOUND Get 1.00e1.600 T antimatter while having only the 1st Dimensions of each type of Dimension and at least 2 normal galaxies. None
r183 ng3p43 Impossible expectations Get 1.00e8,000,000 antimatter in a paired challenge with the PC6+8 combination. Automatically buy the Quark multiplier to dimensions every second.
r184 ng3p44 Studies are wasted Get 1.10e7 TT without having TT generation, keeping your previous TT, and respeccing studies. While you have less than 1 hour worth of TT production, you gain 10x as much TT. Big Rip would originally complete this achievement; It no longer completes it and you have to complete it in a regular quantum.
r185 ng3p45 Do protons decay? Unlock Tree of Decay. You keep the two thirds power of your preons upon quantum when outside of a Quantum Challenge.
r186 ng3p46 Hardly marked Complete a PC with the QC3 & 8 combination. You keep the cube root of your normal replicants upon quantum when outside of a Quantum Challenge.
r187 ng3p47 Stop blocking me! Get the replicanti reset requirement to 1.00e12,500,000 Getting a normal replicant manually doesn't reset your replicanti and can be automated.
r188 ng3p48 Are you currently dying? Reach 1.00e275,000 IP while dilated, in PC6+8, and without studies. Branches are faster based on your Meta Dimension Boosts.
r191 ng3p51 To the new dimension! Big Rip the universe. Keep your Infinity Upgrades and autobuyers, Time Theorem production is multiplied by 100, unlock the "X times eternitied" mode of the Eternity autobuyer, and every completion of EC11 gives a completion of EC12. The 100x TT production doesn't work until ghostify.
r192 ng3p52 Quantum doesn't take so long Quantum in under 1 second. Expand Automatic Eternity to contain new after-eternity features. Unlocks the "Auto-Eternity" tab in Eternity.
r193 ng3p53 Gonna go fast Get 1.00e1185 EP first, and then square your EP by disabling dilation while Big Ripped. Space Shards multiply quark gain.
r194 ng3p54 We can really afford 9. Undo the big rip with exactly 9 galaxies, 9 replicated galaxies and 9 Fourth Time Dimensions. Gain a multiplier on replicants based on spins. Better get this ASAP after breaking eternity.

If you forget to get it before ghostifying, you should do it in EC10, since entering EC10 will disable TD production, as well as clear your produced TDs so that you can get exactly 9 TD4.

r195 ng3p55 Time Breaker Break Eternity. Galaxies don't reset Dimension Boosts, and Quantum Challenges now cost 0 electrons.
r196 ng3p56 Time Immunity Get 1.00e80,000,000 antimatter with one normal galaxy while in Eternity Challenge 7 and big ripped. Infinite Time reward is 3% stronger.
r197 ng3p57 You're not really smart. Get 1.00e215 Time Shards without having Time Study 11 while Big Ripped. Meta Dimensions gain a multiplier based on Time Shards.
r198 ng3p58 And so your life? Reach 1e350,000 IP in Big Rip while dilated, with no EP multiplier upgrades and time studies. Square the Ghost Particle gain, with a hardcap at 1e10x, and the hardcap is further lowered if you have more than 1e60 Ghost Particles.
r201 ng3p61 Kee-hee-hee! Become a ghost. Multiply Eternities gained by 100x (weakens as you have more), all quantum mechanic unlocks only require Time Theorems, assignation options are kept permanently, Nanofield is 3x faster until you reach 16 rewards,  get all achievements prior to Paired Challenges, and start with 1 Eighth Time Dimension in Big Rips. Eternity stat mult:


r202 ng3p62 Finite Time Get 1e33 Space Shards without Breaking Eternity within this Ghostify. Outside of Big Rips, Tree Upgrades are 10% stronger. In Big Rips, 8th Time Dimensions gain an small exponent boost based on your current Ghostify time.
r203 ng3p63 This achievement doesn't exist 4 Reach 9.999999e99 Eternal Matter. Gain more QK based on meta-antimatter when going quantum, and Meta Dimensions don't get affected by dilation if you are not in a Quantum Challenge. Exponent is divided by 279.8 instead of 280.
r204 ng3p64 Really? Reach 1e5000 matter in Big Rip. Buying Electron upgrades don't consume your Meta-Dimension Boosts.
r205 ng3p65 But I don't want to grind! Get the 21st Nanofield reward without having Tree Upgrades. Gain more Quarks based on Radioactive Decays.
r206 ng3p66 I rather oppose the theory of everything Become a ghost with at most 1x quantumed stat. You gain more Quarks based on your quantumed stat.
r207 ng3p67 Will it be enough? Reach 1e36,000,000 replicanti. Replicated galaxies doesn't divide replicantis, you keep all your replicated galaxies on Infinity, and keep all your replicanti upgrades on Eternity only when you start a normal Eternity run.
r208 ng3p68 Please answer me why you are dying. Reach 1e950,000 IP in Big Rip while dilated, with no EP multiplier upgrades, time studies, and Break Eternity within this Ghostify. Each time you become a ghost, you gain 2.00e3 galaxies worth of generated neutrinos, multiplied by your best-ever galaxy amount across all Big Rips.
r211 ng3p71 Progressing as a Ghost Unlock Ghostly Photons. You produce 1% of gluons gained on Quantum every second if you have the 8th Brave Milestone, and Tachyon Particles persist in Big Rip if you have the 16th Brave Milestone.
r212 ng3p72 Underchallenged Become a ghost with at least 1e220,000 EP without starting Eternity Challenge 10 while Big Ripped. Meta-Dimension Boosts no longer reset Meta Dimensions.
r213 ng3p73 Meta-Infinity confirmed? Get 1.80e308 infinities. You gain banked infinites and eternities when going Quantum or Big Ripping the universe. Banked infinities and eternities persist in Big Rip.
r214 ng3p74 Weak Decay Get 1e1.000 T Infinity Unstable Quarks for each Branch without Big Ripping in this Ghostify. Normal Replicant autobuyer buys max.
r215 ng3p75 Radioactive Decaying to the Max! Get 10 total Radioactive Decays. You get 1 galaxy worth of generated Neutrinos per second.
r216 ng3p76 Running Through Big Rips Become a ghost in 0.6 seconds. Going Quantum doesn't require meta-antimatter if you got the meta-antimatter requirement in your current Ghostify. You can quantum if best meta antimatter in this Ghostify exceeds 9.32e446.(You still can't quantum if you get no quark from that.)
r217 ng3p77 The Theory of Ultimate Studies Have at least 48 Mastery Studies. Whn you become a ghost, you start with all Eternity Challenges and all Time Studies bought. You start with study tree filled(and ECs are completed to save 1 tick),

All studies except TS431 is required.

r218 ng3p78 Aren't you already dead?

Reach 1e1,800,000 IP while dilated and Big Ripped and without having studies, EP mult upgrades, Tree Upgrades, and Break Eternity within this Ghostify.

Your 8th Tree Upgrade's level speeds up Nanofield.
r221 ng3p81 Even Ghostlier than before Unlock Bosonic Lab. The meta-antimatter effect uses your best meta-antimatter in your current Ghostify instead of your best in the current Quantum, and unlock all achievements prior to Ghostly Photons.
r222 ng3p82 Overchallenged Become a ghost with at least 1e375,000 EP while Big Ripped with Anti-Dilation modifier. None
r223 ng3p83 Pulling an All-Nighter Get 165 Paired Challenges ranking. Paired Challenges ranking multiplies GHP gain.
r224 ng3p84 Big Rip isn't enough Complete a Paired Challenge with Quantum Challenges 6 and 8 combinations. Remove the hardcap reduction of 'And so your life?'.
r225 ng3p85 Everlasting Eternities Get 1.80e308 eternities. Boost quark gain by 10 per Light Empowerment squared.
r226 ng3p86 Back to Challenge One Complete Paired Challenge 1 after getting 1e1,650,000,000 antimatter in Quantum Challenges 6 and 8. Ghostifies only makes you lose 25% of your radiocative decays.
r227 ng3p87 The Deep Challenge Complete Eternity Challenge 11 with 1e15500 IP in a Paired Challenge with the Quantum Challenges 6 and 8 combination and the Anti-Dilation modifier. Remove the quadratic cost scaling and the level softcap of fifth Tree of Decay upgrade and make it based on best meta-antimatter over Ghostifies, instead of over quantums.
r228 ng3p88 I give up. Reach 1e22500 IP while dilated and big ripped with Anti-Dilation modifier and without having studies, EP mult upgrades, Tree Upgrades, and Break Eternity. None v2.2-2.202: 1e17,500,000

v2.203-2.204: 1e80000

v2.205: 1e225,000 (aarex want to be 1e22500 but he enter 3 instead 2 on 225eX)

r231 ng3p91 The Holy Particle Get a Higgs Boson. Bosonic Upgrades and Enchants are 2x cheaper, achievement power boosts bosonic antimatter production at a reduced rate and light empowerements no longer reset photons era resources."
r232 ng3p92 Bright as the Anti-Sun Reach 25 Light Empowerments. You always have the 12th Bosonic Upgrade.
r233 ng3p93 Are these another... Reach 1.00e66666 Quarks. Gain 500x more Quarks and Ghost Particles.
r234 ng3p94 ... References to EC8? Get at least 2 Radioactive Decays of every color with at most 10 gains of Unstable Quarks. Gain 1 level of Branch Upgrade 2 per 1 Radioactive Decay.
r235 ng3p95 Bosonic Semipowerment Reach 50% of Light Empowerment requirement without buying Bosonic Upgrades, but after getting a Higgs Boson. Light Empowerments are 1 Ultraviolet Light cheaper.
r236 ng3p96 Not-so-very-challenging Get 190 Paired Challenges Ranking. Paired Challenges goals are decreased by 5%, except during Big Rip.
r237 ng3p97 The Ghostliest Side Get 1.16e77 Ghostifies. Ghostifies boost the gain of Ghost Particles at a reduced rate.
r238 ng3p98 Meta-Quintillion Get e1.000 Qt antimatter. Distant Antimatter Galaxies scaling is 10% weaker and Higgs Bosons produce Bosonic Antimatter at a linear rate.

Besides the original game's 3 rows of secret achievements, there is 2 more rows of secret achievements in NG+++.

Position ID Name Description

(After unlocked)

s41 ng3ps11 Blanked out Click on the news ticker that doesn't show anything. The news ticker will blanked out if the following news are shown:

Normal ticker:

I'm done writing news for today.

Ghostly ticker:

Ghosts don't know how to write more news. They decided to stop it for today.

s42 ng3ps12 Lie the news Click on the news ticker that you shouldn't do. Click this news:

Don't click this news

If you do so, you will receive a browser alert and an in-game message box, both saying "I told you so".

s43 ng3ps13 Two tickers Make 2 news tickers shown. Normal one and Ghostly one.
s44 ng3ps14 News for other species Unlock or show ghostly news ticker. To unlock it, become a ghost(if you haven't ever), and click this news:

If you are a ghost, try to click me!

s45 ng3ps15 Boo! You have a 1/1,000 chance of getting this achievement every time 'You became a ghost!' animation appears. You must have the ghostify animation on.

Do quick ghostifies if you want.

s46 ng3ps16 Up and Down and Up and Down... Press the "Continue to mastery studies." button and the "Lead back to time studies." button 100 times each. You need to click the two buttons in turn, for a total of 200 times.

Clicking them change your page but not your position, means that you need to scroll through the whole tree to reach that button.

Pageup and Pagedown button really helps.

s47 ng3ps17 Did you not understand the automation? Manually extract 20 runes in the row, all in 1 game tick for each rune. Manually Instantly extract 20 runes in a row.
s48 ng3ps18 The Ultimate Challenge Be in 20 unique challenges at the same time. Challenges you need:

PC4+6(Activates Auto Crunch challenge and IC2,3,6,7,8)

Any EC(since ECs don't activates other challenges)

IC1(Activates all normal challenge except Auto Tickspeed and Auto Crunch)

You can't go into a Normal challenge if you are in a Infinity challenge(They're both Infinity stuff)

After that, you have:

All NC except Auto Tickspeed (11)

IC 1,2,3,6,7,8 (6)

ECx depends on your choice (1)

QC4 and 6 (2)

For a total of 20.

s51 ng3ps21 The Forbidden Layer Import Zombify, which is a cancelled layer.
s52 ng3ps22 400% Breaking News Read 400 unique news tickers. ... while the news array only contains a total of 395 news (in the current version).
s53 ng3ps23 keyboard broke? You have a 1/1,000,000 chance of getting this achievement every time you press a key.
s54 ng3ps24 Scared of ghosts? Become a ghost with at least 1,000x quantumed stat after getting all Brave Milestones.
s55 ng3ps25 This is NOT a clicker game! Click the antimatter display 10 times in a single session.
s56 ng3ps26 Deny the afterlife Deny the Ghostify confirmation 15 times in a single session.
s57 ng3ps27 Revolution, when? Type 1776 on your keyboard.
s58 ng3ps28 Prestige No-lifer Quantum 10,000 times.